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Convenient, Compassionate Counseling at Your Fingertips

Life’s demands can make it challenging to find time for therapy. That’s why Thrive Therapy offers comprehensive tele-health services, providing flexible and accessible mental health support for those in Fort Myers, Naples, The Woodlands, and beyond. Whether you’re juggling a busy schedule or reside too far from our offices, our secure and convenient tele-health platform ensures you can access the care you need, wherever you are.

Telehealth virtual counseling session
Creating meaningful relationships with client.

How Tele-Health Works

Our tele-health services use a secure, private platform that allows you to connect with our licensed therapists through video or phone sessions. This means you can receive high-quality therapy in the comfort of your own home, office, or any private space that suits you best. It’s therapy that fits your life, not the other way around.

The Benefits of Tele-Health


No matter where you live, you can access our specialized therapy services, including those licensed in Florida, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.


Schedule sessions around your life, eliminating travel time and making it easier to incorporate therapy into your busy schedule.


Receive therapy in a setting where you feel most comfortable, ensuring your sessions are as effective as possible.

Embrace the Possibilities of Tele-Health

Whether you’re seeking individual counseling, couples therapy, or support for your child or teen, our tele-health services are designed to meet your needs. With Thrive Therapy, quality therapeutic care is just a call or click away.

Connect With Us From Anywhere

Ready to explore the benefits of tele-health? Contact Thrive Therapy today for a free phone consultation. Our team is ready to help you navigate life’s challenges, no matter where you are.

t What happens at your first appointment?

You've taken the first step by making the call and scheduling your appointment. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect when you come in for your first session:

As you enter our office, you'll be warmly greeted by our team, creating a welcoming atmosphere from the moment you arrive. We understand that starting therapy can feel daunting, so our goal is to make you feel comfortable and at ease.

Your first appointment will begin with the intake assessment. This is a conversation where we'll explore various aspects of your life, such as your personal history, current challenges, and what you're looking to work on in therapy. It's a chance for you to share what's brought you to therapy and what you hope to achieve.

Following the assessment, we'll engage in collaborative planning. Together, we'll create a personalized plan that outlines the frequency and type of sessions that would be most beneficial for you. We'll also take time to clarify any questions or concerns you may have about the therapy process, ensuring that you feel informed and empowered moving forward.

Ultimately, your first appointment is about building a foundation of trust and understanding. We're here to listen, support, and guide you on your journey towards healing and growth. If there's anything specific you'd like to discuss or any preferences you have, please don't hesitate to let us know—we're here to make your experience positive and beneficial.